An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.
Discover them all—

What Makes the Esther Barazzone Center so Dynamic?
A designer of Eden Hall shows what makes the EBC core to the campus’ sustainability goals.

Food Writing is About so Much More Than What’s on Your Plate
Students in the class stretch their writing muscles and see food’s connections to politics, religion, and their sense of self.

Peek Into the Daily Life of a Chatham Grad Student
Three students give a glimpse of graduate life at Chatham.

Campus Building Profile: Mueller House and The Lodge
For decades, working women vacationed in these frozen-in-time buildings north of Pittsburgh.

Chatham’s “Growing Growers” Builds Connections Between Diverse Farmers
The Growing Growers program connects farmers who are women, people of color, and LGBTQ+, all of whom are underrepresented in agriculture.

Playing in Intersections with Cory Van Horn, MAFS ’12
Cory Van Horn, Master of Food Studies ’12, on how his time at Chatham prepared him for the delicious challenges of his position as Chief Strategy Officer for Visit Montgomery, Maryland.

Alumni Profile: Toni Simpson, MAFS ’21
ChathamU MAFS alum Toni Simpson knows the power of food to unite and inspire, bringing the skills she learned in our Food Studies program to her role as School Director and Lead Chef Instructor at Community Kitchen Pittsburgh

Grainstorm: Regional Grains Get the Spotlight
CRAFT at Chatham University presents Grainstorm, a day of learning all about the regional grainshed in Western Pennsylvania