An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.
Discover them all—

Happy 10th Birthday to the Women’s Institute!
The Women’s Institute is celebrating its 10th anniversary all year. Read about some of its biggest achievements and what they have planned for the future.

Lights, Camera—Chatham!
Walk the red carpet as Pulse takes you through five movies and TV shows filmed on Chatham’s campus!

What to Know About Chatham’s MFACW Fallingwater Residency
This summer, Chatham’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program is set to debut a short-term residency at Fallingwater. Registration opens March 1.

Cooking Without Gas: A Look at Induction Cooking at Chatham
From cooking meals to teaching students in workshops, here’s a look at how induction cooking is used at Chatham—and how it can benefit everyone.

How Chatham’s Faculty Connects to the Pittsburgh Music Community
Chatham’s music faculty share their thoughts on Pittsburgh’s music community and how it impacts the work they do at Chatham.

Community Activism Starts at Chatham—and Goes Beyond Graduation
A current Chatham student and an alum embrace the University’s mission to live “lives of purpose” through their activism.

What to Check Out During a Visit to the Falk School
From trail networks to a farm full of crops, here’s a few ideas of what potential students should take in during an academic visit day at Chatham University’s Eden Hall Campus.

Here’s What the ODEI Has Planned for This Year
Using the ODEI Lounge as a gathering space and helping student organizations with events are just a couple of the items on the office’s agenda.