An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.
Discover them all—

Build Your Resume from Day 1
Catch this Q&A with Director of Career Development, Kate Sheridan & Career Development student employee, Julia Rayburg for their expert resume advice!

Six Reasons to Attend the Emerging Leaders Retreat
Each year the wildly popular Emerging Leaders Retreat offers students the opportunity to make friends, build leadership skills, and challenge themselves physically at Camp Guyasuta. If you’re on the fence about applying, check out these six reasons why it’s a must-do!

Inside the Just Films Series at Chatham University
For six years, Chatham University’s Women’s Institute has been co-sponsoring Just Films, a series of films and discussions on gender and intersectional social justice issues. For their 2021-2022 season, Just Films is offering six films on wide-ranging topics like criminal justice, technology, and more. Read on to discover more about the series!

Major, Minor, Double Major: The Pros & Cons of How You Declare
Need a quick rundown on the differences between majors, minors, and double majors? We’ve got you. Check out our breakdown of these academic need-to-knows.

Making Time for Self-Care This School Year
Read on for tips and resources to strategize around self-care for the new school year.

Adapt to Residence Hall Life with Your Resident Assistant
We caught up with two veteran RA’s to get their insider answers to some of the most common dorm room anxieties that first year college students face.

Last-Minute Move-in Questions, Answered!
Because “back to school” can be an exciting and hectic time, we opened up a Q&A on our Instagram Story for last-minute move-in questions, which you can find here along with helpful links when applicable, so that your back-to-school transition can go as smoothly as possible.

Course Highlight: Media Literacy
While you’re checking off those first year college course requirements, try thinking outside the box (while thinking critically about the media we consume every day) and take Media Literacy! Explore culture and politics through the lens of social media, TV, and more, all while getting a leg-up on how to deftly navigate the information all around us.