An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.
Discover them all—

Is Chatham’s Honors Program for You?
Research opportunities, academic conferences, and cultural outings await those who apply for the rigorous academic program.

Celebrating the Chatham Community's Successes: Campus Awards 2024
Join us in celebrating the Chatham student body as we recognize the community members that have gone above and beyond during the 2023-2024 school year!

Study Tips from OAAR to Help End Your Term Strong
These quick tips could help you develop good study habits before the end of spring term.

Three Key Changes Coming to Academic Success at Chatham
The new Academic Success Division will change how Chatham students find resources to help them inside the classroom and out in the world. Here’s how.

Problem-Based Learning Puts Students in the Driver’s Seat
What can students learn in a class without lectures? A lot.

OAAR Could be Key to Your Academic Success
The Office of Academic and Accessibility Resources can help you study for a big exam and more.

Get to Know Your New Professors: Fall 2023
Meet a handful of the new full-time faculty teaching at Chatham University this fall.

IM4Q: Independent Monitoring for Quality and the Pursuit of Happiness
Chatham psychology Professor Anthony Goreczny is the principal investigator of Independent Monitoring for Quality, or IM4Q, a program that addresses the needs of people with intellectual disabilities.