OAAR Could be Key to Your Academic Success
The Office of Academic and Accessibility Resources is on the third floor of the Jennie King Melon Library. (Mick Stinelli)
Across Chatham University, there are offices ready to help students with various academic and extracurricular needs. The Office of Academic and Accessibility Resources (OAAR), located on the third floor of the Jennie King Melon Library, is exactly what it sounds like: it provides academic and disability support for students.
OAAR Director Cindy Kerr said the office gives students an opportunity to improve their academic skill sets and a place to seek assistance for other challenges that may be impacting them.
In the interview below, which has been edited for length and clarity, Kerr discusses what OAAR does and how it helps students get the most out of their academic experience.
How do students interact with your office? What are they coming to OAAR for?
Cindy Kerr is the director of the OAAR. (Rick Muzzy)
Students typically come to OAAR to see if tutoring is available for a course they may be struggling in. If we are unable to find a tutor, we give them access to an online tutoring organization called Net Tutor. They can be referred to us by faculty for academic coaching (ex. time management, study strategies, test taking strategies, etc.).
All students who are in need of academic accommodations due to a documented disability need to meet with us to register their disability. We conduct an intake interview and talk about how the disability impacts them in the learning environment as well as in other areas of their life. If they received accommodations previously, we discuss how those accommodations may transfer to the college setting. If they are newly diagnosed, we talk about recommendations from their medical provider and what are some "common" accommodations for certain disabilities (for example, students with ADHD may need a distraction-limited testing environment).
How can students best reach out to OAAR?
Students may call us (412-365-1523), email (OAAR@chatham.edu), schedule a meeting using our online scheduling system, or just stop by the third floor of the library and make an appointment with a staff member.
What resources does your office have for students?
We have a writing center, which is staffed with peers, graduate, and professional staff who will work one-on-one with students on many aspects of the writing process. Staff also meet individually with students on academic coaching issues. Tutoring and supplemental instruction are available, but we can never guarantee that we will be able to find support for every class requested.
Why should students utilize the OAAR?
Using services, or at least knowing what services are available, early in the term could help prevent panic and negative stress reactions towards the end of the term, when it is a lot harder to finish strong. We also conduct outreach around mid-terms, but some students feel that is too late to try to repair low grades. It isn't too late, but it will require work on their part.
For more information, visit the OAAR website or stop by their office in the third floor of the Jennie King Melon Library. OAAR is open from Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., with additional hours by appointment.