Earth Day, Always: A Pulse@ChathamU Collection

You’ve probably heard it so many times that you might not even notice it any more, but at Chatham, Earth Day really is every day. From our most famous alumna Rachel Carson to the living classroom that is Eden Hall Campus, our students, faculty and staff are committed to ensuring a brighter, healthier future for all. For Earth Day 2021, we’re gathering some of our favorite stories of sustainability from the past academic year 🌏:

Meet the students:

Our many sustainability-minded offerings on both the graduate and undergraduate level mean we have a healthy crop of Sustainability and Food Studies students (pun intended). Over the past academic year alone, we’ve been lucky enough to interview majors, minors, and prospective masters of Environmental Science, Sustainability, Food Studies and more:

Sustainable Intersections:

Any Chatham student will tell you that sustainability is more than just environmentalism; a holistic sustainability mindset addresses issues of racial, gender, and economic equity. It intersects with social concepts like philosophy, local history, and politics. Check out these posts on how concepts of sustainability dovetail with the world around us:

On Campus, In the Classroom:

Learn more about Eden Hall and the eclectic and exciting courses offered at our one-of-a-kind, sustainable-from-the-ground-up campus! Gardens, goats, and microgrids await:

Close to Home:

Even if you’re not studying sustainability, we’re proud of a campus culture that encourages everyone to do their part, from shopping more sustainably to appreciating campus creatures and more:

For more on Eden Hall Campus, visit our website. Explore our sustainability course offerings for graduate students here, and undergraduate major and minor courses here.

If you’re a high school junior interested in sustainability, we encourage you to seek nomination for the Rachel Carson Healthy Planet Award, national award for emerging leaders in sustainability and community development, awarded to students nationally and internationally who embody the spirit of Rachel Carson in their dedication to sustainability and community development. Click here for more information.

We wish you a happy and healthy Earth Day!

Sarah C. Hamm

Sarah C. Hamm is the Associate Director of Brand and Content Strategy at Chatham University, guiding Chatham’s social media and digital editorial strategy for Pulse@ChathamU. An alumna of Chatham’s MFA Creative Writing Program, her creative work has been published in The Fourth River, Coal Hill Review, and IDK Magazine. When she’s not writing, she’s podcasting, baking, hiking, or enjoying Pittsburgh’s food scene.


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