An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.
Discover them all—

What Makes the Esther Barazzone Center so Dynamic?
A designer of Eden Hall shows what makes the EBC core to the campus’ sustainability goals.

How to Shop the Sustainable Fashion Fair @ ChathamU
Read on for tips and tricks on how to shop what’s fast becoming a new Chatham tradition: Chatham Student Power’s Sustainable Fashion Fair

NEXT Pittsburgh Discovers Maple Magic at Eden Hall Campus
Things get sweet when maple syrup production at Eden Hall Campus is featured in the NEXT Pittsburgh web series “Yinzer Backstage Pass.”

Spilling the Tea on our Student-Designed Reusable Cups
A behind-the-scenes look on the collaborative creation of our new reusable coffee cups.

Eden Hall Campus Community Profile: Sustainable Agriculture Director Laura Jessee Livingston, Ph.D.
Learn what it takes to help manage the agricultural aspects of our Eden Hall Campus with Sustainable Agriculture Director Laura Jessee Livingston.

How to Spend Earth Day (and any day) @ Chatham
Whether you’re a sustainable fashionista, a DIY gardener, a climate activist, or a relatively new member of the eco-friendly team, Chatham is the perfect place to spend your Earth Day. We’re counting down some of our favorite ways to invest in the Earth today— check them out here.

Fighting Fast Fashion Waste with Chatham Student Power
The annual Sustainable Fashion Fair hosted by Chatham Student Power is an opportunity for students to fight fast fashion waste, access affordable clothing and learn more about integrating environmental and social activism. We talked with two of CSP’s officers, Jorie Meil ‘24 and Frances Hurst Brubaker ‘23 to learn more about this year’s event.

Course Highlight: Sustainable Fermentation
Chatham’s Master of Food Studies Sustainable Fermentation course is full of beer brewing, yogurt-making, experiential learning and collaboration. Read on to see what the instructor and current students in the course find so great about this unique learning experience!