Chatham recognized as Tree Campus USA for 10th year in a row
Chatham University has once again been honored by the Arbor Day Foundation for its commitment to effective urban forest management with the 2021 Tree Campus Higher Education® recognition, which honors colleges and universities for effective campus forest management and engaging staff and students in conservation goals. Chatham achieved the distinction by meeting Tree Campus Higher Education’s five standards, including:
Maintaining a tree advisory committee
Developing a campus tree-care plan
Dedicating annual expenditures to a campus tree program
Holding an Arbor Day observance
Conducting a student service-learning project.
Chatham’s Shadyside Campus, one of the most idyllic locations in the City of Pittsburgh, dates to 1869 and includes elements of the original Andrew Mellon estate. The campus encompasses a 32-acre arboretum, featuring 115 different varieties of species. The Arboretum provides an outdoor classroom, as well as an inviting place to stroll and to meditate. To learn more, and download a tree guide and walking tour map, visit
Currently, there are only 393 campuses across the United States with this recognition. More information about the program is available at