Music Department Announces 2021-2022 Concert Calendar

The Chatham University Music Program has announced the 2021-2022 concert calendar.

Friday Afternoon Musicales:

Musicales are held at 4:00 p.m. in the James Laughlin Music Center

September 17 
Book of Sounds: Simple Lines of Inquiry by Ann Southam  
James Iman, piano 

October 15  
Romantic Piano: Russian favorites by Glinka, Balakirev, Scriabin and Rachmaninov 
Walter Morales, piano 

November 19 
Sonorous Spontaneity featuring works by Chopin, Schubert, and the Pittsburgh premiere of Stefania de Kenessey’s “Spontaneous D-Combustion” 
Nanette Solomon, piano 

February 18
Romantic Piano: Concert Etudes by Moszkowski, Blumenfeld, Chopin, and Liszt 
Walter Morales, piano 

March 18 
Piano Masterpieces: works by Schubert, Scriabin and Liszt 
Gerald Lee, piano 

April 15
The People United Will Never Be Defeated: 36 variations on Sergio Ortega’s “¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!” by Frederic Rzewski 
Amy Simpson, piano 

Chatham University Choir Events:

October 16, 4:00 p.m., Mellon Board Room 
Cabaret: Favorite Jazz and Musical Theatre standards, refreshments, and prizes

December 3, 3:00, 8 p.m., Campbell Memorial Chapel 
Candlelight: Annual all-campus winter celebration of music, stories, poems and carols hosted by the Chatham Choir

April 9, 3:00 p.m., Campbell Memorial Chapel
Spring Concert: A collection of secular, sacred, contemporary and pop choral music 

Faculty/Guest Artist Recitals:

January 23 at 3:00 p.m., Campbell Memorial Chapel
Art Songs by Liszt and Rachmaninoff
Robert Frankenberry, tenor, Dr. Kelly Lynch, soprano, Walter Morales, piano 

April 23, 3:00 p.m., James Laughlin Music Center 
Piano Masterpieces: featuring works by Mozart and Rachmaninov 
Pauline Rovkah, piano

For more information or any questions, please contact Pauline Rovkah, Director of the Piano Program, at or 412-365-1679. 


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