An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.

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Creatives in Quarantine: Dori Cawley ‘20
Alumni Success Chloe Bell Alumni Success Chloe Bell

Creatives in Quarantine: Dori Cawley ‘20

Creative work is a famously double-edged sword, equal parts difficult and illuminating. In the face of all the anxieties swirling around our planet, creating meaningful work may be more challenging and more important than ever. We’re asking our creative community to share how they’re making art right now. First up, recent graduate, Dori Cawley.

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“Writing from Here” with the MFA Creative Writing Program
Alumni Success Chatham University Alumni Success Chatham University

“Writing from Here” with the MFA Creative Writing Program

Even though Summer Community of Writers— Chatham’s MFA in Creative Writing Program’s innovative yearly writing retreat— was cancelled this year due to COVID-19, the program is still going strong, together. We chat with MFA Creative Writing Program Director Sheila Squillante about how the MFACW program is crafting community from a safe distance, and what they’re looking forward to in the fall.

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