An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.
Discover them all—

How Success Coaches Help New Students Find Their Footing
Whether opening dialogues with roommates or sharing time management strategies, Chatham success coaches are there to make sure first-year students have the tools they need.

Two Professors Tried a Different Approach to Open New Classroom Discussions
By combining their positive psychology and addictions classes, professors John Dimoff and Deanna Hamilton inspired their students to find new ways of thinking.

A PsyD Student Asks How Black Pastors Handle Worshipers’ Mental Health Concerns
Montaya Parham, MAP ’21, is focusing her doctoral dissertation on just that question. For her, it’s personal.

Meet the Chatham Alum Who Counsels and Trains Current Students
Christine Simpson, PsyD ’16, found a passion for psychology when she studied it at Chatham. “With something as complex as human behavior, you never find the answer.”

Student Success Coaches Make a Difference
Meet a few of our Student Success Coaches and the students they help adjust to college life.

Alumna Profile: Alexis Hahn, PsyD ‘20
Meet 2020 PsyD alumna, Dr. Alexis Hahn. She managed to transform her doctoral internship into a full-time job and her doctoral dissertation into a published research paper in American Psychologist. Read more about Alexis's daily work as Staff Psychologist at a federal men’s prison.

From Paper to Publication: Inside the COVID-19 Research of this PsyD Team
Assistant Professor of Psychology Dr. John Dimoff and PsyD students Angela Dao, Jodie Mitchell, and Alexandra Olson tackled applying social psychological theory to COVID-19 in hopes of improving and influencing public health messaging during the pandemic. We caught up with this research team to learn more about their collaboration and recommendations for impactful health communications.

Seeking Asylum: A Conversation on Refugee Mental Health
Alex Olson, PsyD ‘22 has a passion for working with refugee and immigrant populations to provide therapy that empowers the patient and shifts the paradigm.