Discovering the Resources of Chatham’s Library 

The Jennie King Mellon Library is a well-loved spot on campus where students can relax, read, and study. While students are aware of their access to checking out books, there are so many unknown perks to having a library right in the center of campus. I reached out to our Reference & Outreach Librarian Jocelyn Codner to share some of the resources the library has to offer that students might miss at first glance. 

Chatham Library’s YouTube Channel 

Students might be unaware that there is a YouTube channel run by the Jennie King Mellon Library. The channel houses comprehensive videos made with students in mind that show everything from informational tutorials to book recommendations. There’s plenty of content to help you navigate the library—Summer Reading lists, New Books, the Cozy Reading series, tutorials on citations, and more. If you subscribe, you can be alerted whenever something new is posted, and comment on videos and other topics that interest you. 

Making Use of Common Spaces  

Our library has plenty of individual and group study rooms that can be reserved for up to four hours. In addition to this, each floor of the library has peaceful common spaces that are great for co-working or finding new books to read. The library is currently renovating the basement floor, and has introduced a new lounge space for students to spend time in. My favorite place in the library would have to be the basement individual study rooms. They are such a peaceful place to finish work in the evening. 

Unusual Materials 

Another thing students might not be aware of as a resource in the library is the ability to check out all kinds of materials. I can’t imagine how many times I've been on campus and my computer has been close to dying right before an important class or day of work. When you forget your charger, you can check out one from the library desk for four hours at a time. This is a great resource that can help when in a bind. Other materials that can be used at the library include headphones, extension cords and other media aids for presentations or personal use. Just make sure to bring them back in time!

The Librarians Themselves  

The library is managed by our wonderful staff of librarians who can help with finding materials and answering questions about sources and research. If you’ve ever been working on a big project or need help researching in the library, you can actually schedule a one-on-one appointment with the librarians for help, perfect if you’ve been hesitant about where to find citations for a paper, or where to start on a subject that is not familiar to you. You could also make an appointment to get help learning about the library and how to find things you’ve been looking for. Libraries are nothing without the helpful librarians who provide so much knowledge. 

Monthly Newsletter  

If you’re anything like me, you might want to learn more about the library and events but aren’t sure where to start. You can fill out this form, and sign up to be sent a newsletter on the library’s latest happenings. The Page Turner is a monthly newsletter available to students, alumni and faculty. It comes directly to your email and includes updates about the library, future projects and events that are taking place. Signing up is a great way to remind yourself of the many resources the library has to offer, and only takes a minute! 

From a student perspective I can say that the library is important to so many students because it gives us a place to sit and get work done. As a student off campus, one of my favorite places on campus to work in the library. I love the access to knowledge that Chatham’s library provides and the help I always receive from the librarians who work there.  

The JKM Library is open every day from 7:45am-11pm on weekdays, 12pm-6pm on Saturdays and 12pm-11pm Sunday.  

Lirit Gilmore is a Creative Writing and Food Studies student. Lirit’s academic focus is centered in food writing and how it intersects with social location and identity. She is from Washington, DC and the Midwest, and enjoys baking in her free time. See all her work on Pulse@ChathamU here.


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