Celebrating Chatham Students' Successes: Student Awards 2020
With Chatham’s switch to virtual learning due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many Chatham traditions are looking different this semester. The annual Student Awards Banquet may have been cancelled and Convocation postponed, but Chatham still wishes to recognize the students, and student organizations that have gone above and beyond during the 2019-2020 school year. Without further ado, we present the 2020 recipients...
All Campus Awards
Click on the individual’s picture to read more about them and their award!

Leadership Awards
Click on the individual’s picture to read more about them and their award!

Academic Awards
Click on the individual’s picture to read more about them and their award!

Graduate Excellence Awards
Click on the individual’s picture to read more about them and their award!

Student Organization Awards
Click on the organization’s picture to read more about their award!

Congratulations to all of our 2020 award winners & to the graduating class of 2020! Stay tuned for more celebrations to come!