RecycleMania Comes to Chatham

Chatham University is again competing for international recognition as a leader in campus waste reduction. RecycleMania is a friendly competition between 350 colleges and universities. For eight weeks, progress is measured by the Chatham University Office of Sustainability. Those weekly checkpoints are compared against institutions, nationally and internationally, to determine weekly winners. The goal is to promote waste reduction and encourage students to think about where the products they use every day are going. Chatham has been rated comparatively well in the past few years, but we know the numbers can improve.

This year, in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge, the Office of Sustainability has introduced the use of an app–Joulebug–which measures sustainable practices in real time. Joulebug allows you to earn points when you save water, turn off your electricity, take public transportation or fill a reusable mug. By following members of the Chatham community, the Office of Sustainability can develop a better idea of which departments, students and staff are saving the most. It provides an entertaining dynamic to the competition.

In some ways, Chatham is at a disadvantage. Our students, faculty and staff are so diligent in recycling and composting that the baseline is already high. Statistics are measured against that starting baseline. Schools that do not regularly recycle often see huge spikes during the competition–spikes which begin to wane in April. Chatham’s spike is less pronounced, meaning that our efforts are consistently good, getting even better during the event. Compost-ready cups and on-site recyclable collection contribute to Chatham’s edge.

While Chatham does exceptionally well, we cannot get comfortable. In 2015, a social media engagement campaign was included in the benchmark competition. Chatham’s constant uploads were crashing the system. Some colleges and universities were posting direct, if a little aggressive, challenges directly at Chatham’s campaign. The result: Chatham won the competition. In total, with a 66 percent recycling rate, the Cougars made it into the top 15. Last year, Chatham’s composting program brought us to seventh place in food organics. This year aims to improve those numbers. Student participation is necessary to bring those numbers up.

Chatham University Office of Sustainability Director Mary Whitney believes that last year’s success can be replicated,

“Chatham students have an opportunity to prove that last year’s RecycleMania win was no fluke! Remember to compost your cups lids and straws from Cafe Rachel!” she says.

What you can do:

  • BYO: Bring your own containers. Water bottles, thermoses and coffee cups all make a difference in waste recording. Yes, Chatham’s dining services offer compost-ready cups. In the ecologically responsible long run, however, reusable containers will better help the environment. If you must use a disposable water bottle make sure that it is recyclable. Which leads us to…
  • Break it down. All recyclable materials will be measured. In this competition literally every ounce makes a difference. Batteries, glass, cardboard, plastic: if it can be recycled, it should be recycled.
  • Donate. Chatham's Office of Sustainability is proud of its Greenfund initiative. Students and organizations on campus can apply yearly for a Greenfund award, which encourages green practices and initiatives in the campus community. Dining services allow students to round up their meal costs to the nearest dollar. The extra cents go to the Greenfund.
  • Stop the suck“Vampire” electronics continue to draw power. Sometimes electronics in their “stand by” mode continue to draw power. If you can turn them off, we suggest that you do. Bonus points if you can take the time to unplug!
  • Download the app. The Joulebug app is a fun way to see how you compare to others in your sustainable behaviors. Download the app, include Chatham in your username or bio, and follow your friends to start making an impact.

For more information on the competition, and to check the weekly scores, visit the RecycleMania website. For specific Chatham information, follow the Chatham University Office of Sustainability Facebook page and check their twitter updates at @ChathamSustain.


Campus Community Profile: Andres Carrillo 


Mary Whitney Leads Chatham’s Drive Toward Carbon Neutrality