Announcements from Chatham University—

Chatham receives grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation to aid campus COVID-19 efforts
Chatham University has received a $210,000 grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation to assist the university in operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chatham's Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Message to the Chatham community about helping to build a more just and inclusive campus.

Lou Leonard, Former World Wildlife Fund SVP for Climate and Energy, Joins Chatham University as Dean of the Falk School
A strong voice at the intersection of climate action and the growing mindfulness movement, Lou Leonard Joins Chatham University as Dean of the Falk School.

Chatham receives National Endowment for the Arts grant for literary program on immigration
Chatham University is a recipient of a grant of $15,000.

Chatham University Announces Dean's List for Spring 2020 Term
Chatham University announces Spring 2020 Dean’s List

Heinz Endowment grant helps Chatham support Autism Spectrum training
Chatham has received a generous grant from The Heinz Endowment to better support students that fall on the Autism Spectrum through a new faculty and staff training program.

Statement to the Chatham Community
A statement to the Chatham community pertaining to the ongoing incidents of violence against George Floyd, Brionna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and other black Americans, affirming our love and support of our students, faculty, and staff of color, our condemnation of oppression, and our commitment to working towards equity.

Fossil Footprints in Tanzania Reveal Snapshot of Group Behavior in Prehistoric Humans
Chatham Assistant Professor, Kevin Hatala, is the primary author of a new study published in Nature Scientific Reports that provides in-depth analyses of the largest human fossil footprint site that has ever been discovered in Africa.

Chatham recognized as a Tree Campus for the eighth consecutive year
For the eighth year in a row, Chatham University has received the Tree Campus USA recognition for their sustained commitment to environmental stewardship.