An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.
Discover them all—

Ecology, Conspiracies, and Chemistry: A Peek into Chatham’s Faculty Research
Three of Chatham’s faculty members give updates on the research they’re conducting in their respective fields.

A Second Act in a Third Space
Co-founding a bakery isn’t exactly a piece of cake, but Beth Kurtz Taylor, MAFS ’15, found sweetness in her community.

Call Her Madam Chief Justice: Debra McCloskey Todd ’79
Pennsylvania’s top jurist discusses her path to the state Supreme Court and being an ambitious Chatham woman.

Steering the Commonwealth Through Crisis— Keara McKenna Klinepeter ’11
After advising Pennsylvania’s secretary of health throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Chatham alum Keara Klinepeter ’11 ascended to the agency’s top spot on the eve of the Omicron surge.

Birds of a Feather— Chatham University and the National Aviary
A soaring collaboration between Chatham University and the National Aviary means big insights into Western PA birdlife, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences for Chatham students.