Senior to Senior Series: Hannah Perry
Hello! My name is Eliza Moore, and I am a senior at Chatham University. In my years here at Chatham, I have seen many people come and go, with each being on their own unique college journey. In this senior interview, I am extremely excited to introduce someone that I am so glad joined the Chatham community: Hannah Perry!
Name: Hannah Perry
Major: Psychology & Criminology with Forensic Social Work Certificate
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
What led you to choose Chatham?
I chose Chatham because of the course curriculum. At the time of searching for colleges, I wanted to stay close to home and Chatham fit my needs both in curriculum, but also in student to faculty ratio. I had toured Pitt and didn’t like how large the class sizes were, so that was a really important factor that led me to choosing Chatham.
What inspired you to start your journey with psychology/criminology?
I took a Psychology class in high school and enjoyed it, so I thought it was a good choice coming into college, but I didn’t have any other path coming in. I took my first Criminology course, Criminalization of Mental Illness, my sophomore year because it fell into the Psychology curriculum, and it was very eye opening. The class and the professor, Dr. Sarteschi, inspired me to change the whole direction of my career. I did not know for sure what I wanted to do until I took that class with Dr. S and it honestly changed my life, so I am very thankful for it.
Where did you complete your internship(s)?
I did my first internship remotely with a private investigator based out of Canada. I did research and data analysis on criminal cases. My second internship was at Allegheny County jail shadowing different departments there. I think it’s very important that Chatham requires an internship to graduate, as my first internship was remote, and the field of Criminology is so large, I didn’t know for sure if I would be able to handle the intensity of in person work. I think the internships really help you to fully learn what you’re capable of.
What led you to be so involved on campus (orientation leader, student worker, Cold Case Club President, member of CSG)?
After taking the steps in my first year to get involved, I realized how important it is to be involved on campus. It’s so helpful to not only be involved with students but also staff as it allows you to understand all aspects of the college experience. It also gave my schedule more structure, which I felt like I needed in the college setting that contains spread out and few classes in a day.
If you could change one thing about your Chatham experience, what would it be?
I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Even through all good and bad, I ended up exactly where I needed to be.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I plan to get a job working either within corrections or in a rehabilitation center. I also plan to move out of Pittsburgh; I love it here but I’m ready for change.
Do you have any advice for new or prospective students?
I would 100% advise getting a job on campus. It allows you to get involved in so many more ways than you even realize. A lot of my mentors are the people who work in Student Affairs, which is where I have worked for all four of my years at Chatham. It’s so beneficial to utilize the opportunities on campus.
If you or a friend would like to participate in the Senior to Senior series, please reach out to We want to hear about your journey at Chatham University!