10 To-Do's to Land the Job of Your Dreams

Looking for a job or an internship can be daunting. Luckily, the Office of Career Development makes it easy by offering services, counseling and events that can help you land the job or internship of your dreams. One of these helpful events is the Job and Internship Mixer held each semester. This semester’s mixer is scheduled for April 6 from 4:30-6:30 pm in the Welker Room. In preparation, I (Abigail Kneuss, an upcoming graduate in the midst of her career search), have compiled ten things you should do before, during and after the event to excel and stand out!

Helpful hint from Associate Director of the Office of Career Development, Lesli Somerset Talley: you won’t want to miss this event as 80% of jobs are never posted! This means that networking is critical in landing jobs and internships. The Job and Internship Mixer may create lasting connections that will serve you for years to come in your occupational journey.


Update your credential materials

A few days before the event, you should update your online and professional presence. Look over your resume, LinkedIn and portfolio materials to make sure they’re up-to-date and represent your best work. If you need help making or revising a resume or any other materials, schedule an appointment with the experts in the Office of Career Development who are happy to help. Another good rule of thumb is to set your social media profiles to private to ensure that your personal life doesn’t interfere with your professional opportunities.

Do your research

Take a look at the Handshake page for the event to see what companies will be represented at the mixer. Once you’ve picked companies you may be interested in, dig deeper. See what the company does, what their values are and what opportunities and skills working with them would bring.

Prepare talking points

Once you’ve picked what companies interest you, prepare questions and talking points for employers. Make sure to show that you have researched their work prior to the event and to prepare talking points that weave in your professional strengths into the conversation. Ask them specific questions about open positions and what skills their internships and jobs foster to ensure that it is the correct fit for you. You should also polish your elevator pitch. Be prepared to succinctly speak on your skills, experience, and short-term goals. For help, check out this quick video on preparing a strong elevator pitch.

Meet with an expert

Before the event, sit down with your academic advisor and/or a counselor in the Office of Career Development to make a plan for what type of positions fit best with your career goals and graduation plans.


Dress the part

It’s important to look the part for the job you want. Dressing professionally and confidently will signal to future employers that you are taking the event and their open positions seriously. Need something to wear? Career Development’s Professional Dress Closet has free professional clothing for student use and is 100% free. Simply stop in the office, now located in the James Laughlin Music Center, during open hours (9:30-4:30).

Ask questions

Put your prepared talking points to work by asking clarifying questions about the company and positions available. Use the company representative present as a resource to get a firsthand account of company culture and possible career paths within the company.

Take notes

Make sure to bring a pen and pencil (and not your phone) to take notes on company details, application deadlines and names and contact information of the representatives you meet with. Pro tip: take notes on their business cards to make follow up easy.

Collect resources

Many companies at career mixers bring along business cards and handouts detailing more about their company and open positions. If you don’t get an opportunity to speak with a representative, grab a resource so you can reach out virtually after the event.


Send thank yous

Make sure to follow up with any representatives you spoke with thanking them for their time and asking any follow-up questions you may have. Even if it isn’t a position that you are still interested in, it’s good practice to maintain a friendly and professional relationship with the connections you made at the event. You might also consider sending them a LinkedIn request.

Complete applications

The most important step to take is to complete your applications as early as possible to show that you take initiative. Before submitting, schedule an appointment with Career Services to have an expert review of your resume, cover letter and other application materials. Once it’s ready to go, make sure to document the job description as many companies pull them from their websites when they begin hiring. You will want to have them available to prep for any interviews you receive. In the weeks following, check your email spam folder and answer phone calls as a missed communication may cost you a job.

Best of luck on your search Cougars and make sure to register for the Spring 2022 Job and Internship Mixer via Handshake. For more career help and questions, reach out to the Office of Career Development via email or phone— 412-365-1209.


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