The Welcome Aboard Advantage with Dr. Lynette Charity ‘74 and Ashley Pesarick

Welcome Aboard is a Chatham mentorship program that pairs a first-year, first-semester student with a Chatham alum that holds relevant career experience to their goals. Throughout the student’s first-year, they have the ability to turn to their Welcome Aboard mentor for advice, tips, and strategies for success. The mentor and mentee pair meet monthly (in-person or over Zoom, depending) and touch base about how the mentee is progressing through their first-year at Chatham. In honor of National Mentorship Month, we touched base with Katie Thoma, Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement and head of Chatham’s mentorship programs, Chatham Connect and Welcome Aboard about all the mentorship programs available at Chatham. Now, we’re talking to Welcome Aboard mentor and mentee pair, Dr. Lynette Charity ‘74 and Ashley Pesarick about how this program has impacted them. Read on for insight into what you stand to gain from building a bond like this—

Tell us a little bit about how you were paired together and what you have gained from the experience so far.

Dr. Lynette Charity

Ashley Pesarick: I was a first-year student last fall and had just decided to switch from being pre-physician assistant to pre-med with an early acceptance to Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM). No one in my family is a physician or works in healthcare, so I was actively googling questions I had about the path to becoming a physician. I saw an email advertising the 2020 Welcome Aboard mentorship program. It was the perfect opportunity to connect with someone who knew a lot about medicine and the pathway to becoming a physician. When I filled out the paperwork to do the program, I specifically stated that I was doing this program because I needed a mentor that was a physician. From there, I matched with Dr. Charity, and it was destiny. I’ll never forget the opening Zoom ceremony when we were first able to meet each other. We laughed so much during our first encounter, and I realized how blessed I had been to be paired with such a wonderful mentor.

Going into [the program], I [expected to] be connected with someone [who could] help with interview prep, resume updates, med school questions, and things like that. It has been all of that and so much more. I have gained a mentor in my life who has taken me under her wings and helped me with everything. I have gained a hilarious and positive leader in my life—someone I look up to everyday.

Lynette Charity: It was a perfect match. The first time we met on Zoom, I knew it was going to be a great experience, especially for me. Ashley has kept me on my toes and I feel rejuvenated after our chats together. Ashley has given me a new purpose. Her energy, commitment, and experience have amazed me. When we met, she was already accepted to a school of osteopathic medicine—she was 18 at the time. I personally had not met an American student who was that committed [to pursuing medicine]. Ashley is clipping right along and moving through her prerequisites with gusto.

What sorts of obstacles have you worked through together?

Ashley Pesarick

AP: Literally everything! She has helped me so much, from increasing my professionalism to helping me navigate what specialty I want to pursue to giving me the confidence I needed. The biggest thing she has helped me through is finding my footing in my physician journey. She has believed in me so many times when I couldn’t believe in myself. She has helped me realize that I don’t need to get straight As to get into medical school, and I don’t need to be perfect 100% of the time to become a physician. Dr. Charity has made my once impossible dream of becoming a doctor [feel like a] reality.

LC: The challenges that Ashley has faced are the same as many college students. Those challenges were exacerbated by COVID-19, being a commuter student, and having a TV series filmed on a campus with limited parking spaces. When she needed to vent, I listened and gave some feedback. I reassured her that "this too shall pass." Ashley wanted insight on the medical school life and I’ve enjoyed sharing my story. I graduated from Chatham in 1974 and from Tufts Medical School in 1978. Old doctors don't fade away—we transfer our knowledge to live on in the minds of others. Me being her mentor has provided her with a sounding board from someone who has walked the walk. It has given me hope for the future and it has given me a chance to be myself.

For you, what are the most rewarding aspects of a mentorship relationship?

AP: [I appreciate] having someone I can look up to and ask a bunch of questions to. Dr. Charity understands it all, especially my future career, and I have someone to look forward to chatting with and catching up with on a regular basis.

LC: Connecting with a different generation. There are retirees who are disconnected from our youth. There are some who see no reason to connect to so-called "senior citizens.” There is so much we have to offer. Through mentoring, we can wow them and [help] close the generation gap. I learn from my grandson and he learns from me. I have been a mentor to many up and coming physicians and it has given me great joy. That joy continues with Ashley—it keeps me young and keeps me thinking.

If a student isn’t sure how to find a mentor, what advice would you give them?

AP: I didn’t know how to find a mentor either; that’s why I did the Welcome Aboard program. If that isn’t an option, I would highly suggest looking into the Chatham Connect website, which is super helpful in connecting with others in your field. I have shared some wonderful conversations with residents, medical students, and attending physicians that all went to Chatham. [You can also find] a mentor via LinkedIn. Do whatever works [in order to] to become more connected with people in your future career.

LC: The easy answer is to just ask—[you can ask] at school, at your place of worship, or [touch base with] your friends/family. Pay it forward by sharing [mentorship opportunities] with others.

Thanks to Lynette and Ashley for sharing more about their unique bond. If you’re curious about exploring mentorship at Chatham, whether as a mentor or a mentee, we encourage you to explore both the Chatham Connect and Welcome Aboard programs, as well as our mentorship event offerings.


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