Your First Step to Chatham—New Student Registration Day

Calling all incoming Chatham students— join us at New Student Registration Day (NSRD) and maximize your pre-college preparations with this one-stop, one-day extravaganza where you’ll take the first steps towards your college years.

Want to know more? Check out the video for a taste of what you can expect and read on for somehighlights and helpful tips for making the most of the day!


Build your future class schedule

Perhaps the coolest part of attending a New Student Registration Day is building out your first semester class schedule— shout out to our fellow nerds! 😉 In order to set up your schedule, you’ll meet with a faculty advisor who will help you select classes for your first semester at Chatham. If you’ve already selected a major or a field of interest, your advisor will help you get on track with the appropriate introductory courses. If you’re not sure what you’d like to study yet, you can start by knocking out some general education requirements and taking a few exploratory courses. Your faculty advisor will answer any questions you might have and guide you through the process of scheduling your courses.

Gain access to the world of Chatham

At NSRD you’ll have the chance to set up your Chatham email account, receive your Chatham ID, and submit your deposit if you haven’t already, granting you access to campus communications, free transportation throughout the city of Pittsburgh, and specialty discounts and perks thanks to your student status. The sooner you attend, the sooner you’ll gain access to the plethora of perks available to Cougars.

Explore student organizations

If you’re curious what your extracurricular life could look like at Chatham, we invite you to select any student organizations that are of interest to you on the NSRD registration form. From there, we’ll be able to connect you with leaders in the student organizations that interest you and provide more information about how you can get involved on campus. For a complete list of student organizations, click here.

P.S. If you want to create your own student org, Chatham’s Office of Student Engagement makes it easy to do so.

Meet campus leaders

As part of the NSRD programming, you’ll not only gain access to important tools and necessities to kick off your Chatham experience, you’ll also meet with key members of the community, including staff members from the Offices of Residence Life and Financial Aid. Members of our campus community will be on hand to answer any pressing questions you may have and to help alleviate any challenges you’re facing. Plus, this will serve as an opportunity to share what you’re hoping to gain from your Chatham experience, which will help us maximize key benefits and connections

Get to know Chatham’s campus and amenities

The first day of college comes with a whole new set of firsts for many, including living away from home and/or with a roommate, setting your own schedule, planning your own meals, and plenty more. At NSRD, you can familiarize yourself with Chatham’s facilities, including the Jennie King Mellon Library, the Athletic Fitness Center, Anderson Dining Hall, the Carriage House Student Center, Information Technology Services, and plenty more. The more you explore at NSRD, the more prepared you’ll be to attend Chatham this fall.

Ready to attend New Student Registration Day? We can’t wait to have you! Register now or explore other admissions events here.


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