Student Profile: Andrew Greco ’21

During my first year at Chatham, I (Abigail Kneuss ‘23) have noticed that so many interesting people attend Chatham, and our sense of community is strong, even during hard times. In an effort to showcase just a few of these great people, I’ll be doing a series of student interviews in the coming weeks. These highlights are for students, about students, and by students. This week I am featuring, Andrew Greco ‘21.

It’s hard not to run into Andrew at some point in your time at Chatham. He is part of Chatham Student Government serving as the Vice President of the Class of 2021, the former Poetry Editor for the Minor Bird, an RA, a Tri-Beta and Love Your Melon member, and the former Vice President of the Residence Hall Association. Learn more about his work at Chatham, his favorite memories from his time here, and his plans for the future in this for-students, by-students feature!

Andrew Greco ’21

Major: Human Biology with a Psychology minor

Hometown: Iriwn, PA

Q: What drew you to Chatham?

A: I really liked that the faculty to student ratio was so small and that every student truly gets one-on-one attention. You get both the small university and big-city experience.

Q: What are your plans after graduation next spring?

A: I want to take a gap year to be an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and then go on to grad school probably in the Pittsburgh area to be a Physician Assistant. I’m actually graduating a year early although I wasn’t planning on that originally. I’ve been taking 19-20 credits a semester because so many different things interest me and staying busy is fun for me. My academic advisor said I was on track to graduate a year early and since I’m used to taking a lot of classes, I decided to go for it.


Why did you decide to be a Physician Assistant?

A: I was on the track for Pre-Med, but I realized that it’s a lot of schooling and I want more of a work-life balance in my career. Being a PA allows for you to have more balance and options in your career. It’s very important to me that I have a life outside of work.

Q: As a leader in so many areas at Chatham, are there any initiatives you have been working on?

A: In CSG, each class gets a class project that they pick and work on. Our project for the Class of 2021 is a video on inclusivity for incoming students, their parents, and faculty. It’s going to cover what pronouns are and how to use them, what sexuality is, the premise of gender-neutral bathrooms, etc… Essentially, it’s going to educate people on Chatham’s values. A lot of new students and especially their parents have never heard of most of these things and it’s important that they do as they join the Chatham community.

Q: Favorite class you’ve taken?

A: I can’t pick just one, so I’m going to pick one from my major and one from my minor. I loved Basic Neuroscience with Dr. Block which is for my major and Abnormal Behavior with Dr. O’Brien for my minor. Both of the classes were just super interesting and I was able to stay engrossed in them the entire time.

Q: Best memory from school thus far?

A: Moonlight Breakfast is always great. It’s fun to see your professors and the faculty members coming together and sharing moments with students during the stressful time of exams. I also went on a study abroad trip to Spain in Maymester of last year geared toward health-care majors. We shadowed doctors in a hospital and did cultural excursions on the weekends.

Q: You’re very busy with your studies! Anything else you spend time on?

A: It’s not really the season for it, but I love to ski. I’ve also been working at Dunkin this summer which takes up a lot of my time. Outside of that, I spend time with my cat Pickles, and I recently got into cooking. I also like to go to drive-in movies, the Evergreen Drive-In Theatre is close to me and it’s the perfect summer activity.

Know a current or future student that should be featured or would like to be featured yourself? Email us! We’re happy to hear your suggestions.


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