Student Profile: Iyanna Armwood

During my first year at Chatham, I (Abigail Kneuss ‘23) have noticed that so many interesting people attend Chatham, and our sense of community is strong, even during hard times. In an effort to showcase just a few of these great people, I’ll be doing a series of student interviews in the coming weeks. These highlights are for students, about students, and by students. This week I am featuring Iyanna Armwood ‘20.

During their past 4 years at Chatham, Iyanna has been highly involved. Whether it be through their work as Editor in Chief of The Minor Bird, Copy Editor for the Communiqué, or membership in the Queer Straight Alliance and Creative Writing Club, Iyanna has impacted the Chatham community immensely. I caught up with them to talk about their plans after graduation, favorite books and fond memories of Chatham!

Iyanna Armwood ‘20

Hometown: Washington DC

Major: English

Q: You’re graduating here in a few weeks! What are your plans?

A: I’m not sure what I am doing yet but I have been working with content creation and marketing projects for my internship and I am really enjoying it, so maybe something in that direction. English is such a broad major so it opens the door to many different opportunities. I feel like Chatham has prepped me for whatever comes my way. The Career Development Office is really great, they have helped me edit my resume and personal website.


Q: How do you feel about commencement being postponed?

A: I’m a little disappointed; it’s a rite of passage that’s important to graduates. I’m not sure if I’ll be attending the one in August. I am in a different state, so I’ll have to put time for travel aside to attend. I would like to attend if I can!

Q: Do you have reading suggestions during this quarantine?

Fiction is my favorite genre since it’s what I write. I would suggest Carry On by Rainbow Rowell to any fiction lover. It’s in the works to becoming a trilogy which I’m really excited about!

Q: What do you feel has changed since you started as a First-Year?

A: I have definitely changed a lot! When I think back on myself four years ago, I cringe. Chatham has helped me to mature, develop critical thinking skills, and be more empathetic. I’ve learned to coexist with people who have backgrounds and opinions that are different from my own. I feel like I’ve been able to educate fellow students and have them educate me in turn.


Q: When you’re not studying, what are you doing?

I am always reading and writing. I truly do love English! Other than that, I love binge watching shows on Netflix.

Q:What’s your favorite memory at chatham?

A: I participated in The Vagina Monologues two years ago. Watching it my first year was eye opening, especially at a historically women’s college. I really connected to the pieces so I decided to perform my Sophomore year. I have performance anxiety so it was nice to participate in something that challenged me and meant so much to me.


Q: Best Anderson ice cream flavor?

A: Cookies and Cream! I’ll probably miss always having ice cream available after graduation…

Q: One thing you’re excited about right now?

I’m excited (and a little nervous) to get into the workforce and do “real” jobs in my field that I am passionate about!

If you’d like to learn more about the offerings and opportunities associated with Chatham’s English major, click here.


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