Student Profile: Landon Dawson
Perhaps one of the most valuable aspects of the Chatham experience is the community. In such unprecedented times, I (Abigail Kneuss ‘23), have become increasingly grateful for this community and its members. In an effort to showcase just a few of these great people, I’ll be doing a series of student interviews in the coming weeks. These highlights are for students, about students, and by students. This week features Landon Dawson ‘21.
As the president of the Queer Student Alliance and a member of Chatham Student Power and Drama Club, Landon has spent his time at Chatham helping and connecting with others. Learn more about him, his time spent outside of classes, and his plans for after his upcoming graduation below!
Landon Dawson ‘21
Q: Why did you decide to study Psychology?
A: Although I’ve always been interested in helping people and how the human mind works, I started as a Biology major because I wanted to be a doctor. But, after taking Psych 101 with Dr. Riordan, it clicked that that wasn’t the path I was supposed to follow. I’m currently majoring in Psychology. Now that’s really branched into my interest in social work which is what I’m looking to go into. I’m still not completely sure what I want to do, but I’m learning to be okay with that.
Q: What are your plans for after graduation?
A: I graduate next semester and I plan on taking a year or two off and then going on to get my master’s in social work. That way, I’ll have time to figure out what I want to specialize in. It’s definitely overwhelming to be graduating during the time of COVID. It has impacted my learning a lot as well, I’m more of a hands-on learner and it has been difficult to have my classes moved to a virtual format. Hopefully, by the time I go to get my master’s, the pandemic will be under control as well as my decision for specialty.
Q: Can you tell me more about the QSA?
A: The Queer Student Alliance is a social club that provides kinship for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. It brings together people within the community by holding various events such as self-care days before finals, chalking the quad, and coming out parties. If anyone is interested in getting involved, they can reach out to me via email or to Devin Fabian, our faculty advisor.
Q: Best part of your Chatham experience?
A: I’ve definitely enjoyed my time and experience with some of the faculty. Shoutout to Dr. Poindexter! He’s actually what convinced me to go into social work after graduation. Learning in his class was such an eye-opening experience. He cares about the students and about what he teaches and it made me realize that I care about a lot of the same things.
Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of your studies?
A: I enjoy penpalling, I have pen pals across the US and have been kinda obsessed with stationary because of that. I also spend time with my girlfriend and my cat. I’m learning a lot more about the guitar thanks to my wonderful instructor here at Chatham, Dr. Marcinizyn, and that has led to me purchasing a ukulele. I would recommend him to any Chatham student looking to learn more about playing guitar. I also spend time talking to my friends virtually, we have bi-weekly calls where we play Dungeons and Dragons and we’re planning an upcoming murder mystery night. Really, I do anything to stay busy during this pandemic.
Q: Who or what inspires you in your life?
A: My grandmother is my rock. She does so much for others and it’s really admirable. If someone asks her for a favor, she’ll look at her calendar and fit them into her busy schedule. I really aspire to be like that.
Q: If you could give one piece of yourself as you entered Chatham your first year, what would it be?
A: Don’t be so hard on yourself! Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need help; reaching out does not mean you are a failure. Utilize campus resources. Go to the Office of Academic and Accessibility Resources if you need help with classwork and reach out to friends if you are feeling lonely and in need of connection.