Student Profile: Merdith Spahic
Perhaps one of the most valuable aspects of the Chatham experience is the community. In such unprecedented times, I (Abigail Kneuss ‘23), have become increasingly grateful for this community and its members. In an effort to showcase just a few of these great people, I’ll be doing a series of student interviews in the coming weeks. These highlights are for students, about students, and by students. This week features Merdith (Medii) Spahic ‘22.
The first thing most people notice about Medii is her great style and upbeat attitude which she maintains despite her busy schedule. As the Managing Editor of The Minor Bird literary magazine, a double major in Arts Management and International Business, and a curator for the Susan Bergman Gurrentz ’56 Art Gallery on campus, she carries her love for the arts wherever she goes. On top of everything, she is also working on launching her own makeup brand. Learn more about her and her passions below!
Merdith (Medii) Spahic ‘22
Major: Arts Management & International Business
Minor: Museum Studies & Marketing
Q: You have so many majors/minors! What’s the goal with that?
A: I want to be an international art curator and have my own international makeup brand. I believe that makeup is art and I want to create a brand that is all-inclusive and unifies everyone. I would also love to have my own international art gallery in places like NYC, Tokyo, and Paris.
What are some of your hobbies?
A: I like to say that I’m multi-passionate. I love makeup and art obviously. I love to paint, take pictures, and update my Instagram that I have solely for my makeup looks. I love fashion design and sewing, and I love visiting galleries and museums. I currently work at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Visitor Services helping people get tickets and telling them about the museum, but I’m working towards becoming a gallery ambassador. However, a lot of things are different at the museum right now because of COVID.
Q: Why is it important to you to follow COVID procedures?
A: I’ve had friends who were personally affected by COVID and some of them even had it. It really wakes you up to the reality of the situation because they’re not just my friends, they’re basically family to me. It’s crazy to think that this has become such a political thing when all it really calls for is for us to not be selfish. Just because someone isn’t worried about their own health, they are putting others in danger. I wish everyone was unified against this; it’s really shown some people’s true colors.
Q: What has been a great experience you’ve had at Chatham?
A: I’m currently taking a visual communications branding course with Mark Bender and it’s so perfect and important for what I want to do with my makeup brand. The class covers so much, from building a business and making a name for yourself, to graphic design and branding.
Q: What artists do you admire?
A: Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I love Frida Kahlo! She is such a powerful woman. Everything that she did was so progressive for her time. I relate so much of my works to her and the way that she conveys pain, beauty, and women. She’s so much more than people realize.
Q: Any advice for beginner makeup artists?
A: Don’t be afraid, be fearless! Makeup is an art which means that you should experiment and see what makes you feel good and beautiful.
Know a current or future student that should be featured or would like to be featured yourself? Email us! We’re happy to hear your suggestions.