Student profile: Trevor Borsh ‘21

To get a sense of the extensive opportunities available to undergraduates at Chatham, just take a look at Trevor Borsh (International Business, ‘21). This fall, Trevor gave a limited series of lectures on campus about international/intercultural communications and the global communications application WeChat. Over the summer, he had two research articles published by Chatham’s business department. The first tackled Chinese v. American views on North Korea. The second dealt with the relatively new sustainability technology, home batteries. Trevor says that the piece on home batteries has gained far more outreach and recognition than he had ever expected.  Recently, Trevor was the first student to be appointed to the Business & Entrepreneurship Department Advisory Board.

What attracted you to Chatham University?

I enjoyed the smaller class sizes. I am someone who thrives on having strong personal connections, and felt the size of Chatham would better allow that to happen, both with fellow students and professors. 

Now that you're here, what has surprised you about your experience?

I think something that we are told before college is often “get ready for those professors; to them you’re just a name and a grade.” But because I have been active in our community, I have some professors that will think specifically of me when they see a certain opportunity.  I have been surprised by just how close I have been able to become with some of my professors and faculty members.

What has been your favorite experience at Chatham since your arrival here?

That is a tough question.

I’ve had research published by our Business & Entrepreneurship Department, been in the same room as a former Prime Minister, attended an exclusive Ethics and AI conference, seen a breathtaking Taiwanese Gymnastics spectacle. I’ve had a lot of incredible experiences in my first two years, each of them too different to really classify together and choose a “favorite.” 

What’s something someone would be surprised to learn about you?

Oh, we could write a whole other piece on that one.  I currently am studying international business and political science, and my latest research combines aspects of those areas along with green energy. However, for many years, I wanted to be a cosmologist (someone who studies the origin and development of the universe as a whole). I can still discuss theories of cosmology, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, etc. for hours on end (I’m sure my friends have a strong opinion on that fact). But, I came to find a greater passion for connecting with people from different cultures, and now reading about and learning such theories are more hobby than career.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of campus life?

Well, I’ll admit to you, I’m on campus quite a bit. But outside of class I enjoy visiting Pittsburgh’s museums and parks. I am a Buddhist (mixing in some of the quantum physics mentioned above), so I thoroughly practice meditation. I’m also an absolute movie buff. I love to go see them with friends and family. Need to have something to let your brain cool off, after all!

International Business majors learn how to think globally about the business world. The curriculum engages the student in all functional areas of business and explores how these functions change and adapt by expanding across borders. Through an innovative combination of cross-disciplinary coursework, students develop expertise in language, cultural sensitivity, and an ongoing knowledge of world affairs.


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