Announcements from Chatham University—
Princeton Review Selects Chatham for 2019 Green Honor Roll
Chatham was once again selected for the Princeton Review’s 2019 Green Honor Roll for receiving a score of 99 (the highest possible score)…
President Finegold: The Tree of Life Tragedy
Shock, sorrow, pain and anger are just some of the emotions that, like many of you, I’m feeling today in response to the tragic shooting at Tree of Life near our campus.
Statement in Support of Non-Discrimination
The New York Times recently reported that the Federal Government is considering narrowing the definition of gender exclusively to a binary (male and female)…while this policy change may or may not become a reality, we want to reiterate that Chatham does not and will not discriminate on…
From President Finegold: Our mission - Citizenship
Chatham’s mission declares: “…Chatham prepares its graduates to be informed and engaged citizens in their communities.” Today, on the last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania for the upcoming mid-term election…
For the Sixth Consecutive Year, Chatham Nationally Recognized for Inspirational Effect on Students’ Environmental Mindsets
Chatham University received the Tree Campus USA recognition in 2017.
Chatham recognized as a top university for Career Development
Chatham University has been named one of the 2018 Career Development Colleges of Distinction. This ranking is in recognition of Chatham’s integrated career exploration and preparation…
Nursing event to explore the connection between climate change and health
The Nursing Program at Chatham University is hosting a panel discussion on Tuesday, September 25th that will explore the connection between climate change, sustainability and human health.
Chatham University fall 2018 music events announced
Chatham University fall 2018 music events announced
The Chatham University Music Program has announced the Fall 2018 Musical Performance calendar. Unless otherwise noted, all performances are free and open to the public.
From President Finegold: Our Mission - Sustainability
After visiting our Eden Hall Campus, a group of university sustainability leaders paid it a tribute. “Each year we dream about how we can promote a more sustainable and healthy future…
Chatham ranked as a best college by U.S. News
Chatham University was once again selected as a 2019 Best College by U.S. News & World Report. Chatham’s ranking jumped 13 places over the previous year…