Announcements from Chatham University—
Former Starbucks SVP of Corporate Responsibility Joins Chatham University as Falk Professor of Socially Responsible Business
Sandra E. Taylor, an internationally recognized expert in corporate responsibility joins the Chatham University faculty as Falk Professor of Socially Responsible Business.

Chatham ranked as one of the twenty most sustainable colleges in the country by Sierra Magazine
Chatham University has been ranked #14 out of 269 ranked schools in the nation for the 2018 Sierra Magazine Cool Schools ranking.
From President Finegold: Our Mission - Diversity
I plan to share over the coming weeks some thoughts on what this statement of mission and values has meant, and still means, for Chatham. I’m starting this series with the statement’s penultimate tenet: “to recognize and respect diversity of culture, identity & opinion.”
Chatham ranked in the top 5 of the 2018 Sustainable Campus Index
Chatham University has been recognized as a top performer in the 2018 Sustainable Campus Index, ranking 4th overall among master’s institutions and tying for 2nd in the Grounds category.
Chatham Receives CIC/AARP Grant to Assist Older Adults
Chatham University is pleased to announce that it is one of a select group of 22 institutions across the nation chosen by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) to receive a grant in the amount of $13,000 to implement a CIC/AARP Foundation Intergenerational Connections: Students Serving Older Adults project.
Chatham Receives Grant to Provide Adult Student Scholarships
Chatham University has been awarded a $20,000 grant from The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation’s Scholarships for Mature Students program.
Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics Hosts NEW Leadership 2018
The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics (PCWP) at Chatham University held the annual National Education for Women’s (NEW) Leadership™ Pennsylvania program, a weeklong (June 3-June 8) intensive institute for women college students focused on the role of women in politics and policy making in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Chatham University Announces Dean's List for Spring 2018 Term
Chatham University is pleased to announce the Dean’s List for the spring 2018 term.
Eden Hall Campus Wins Best of Green Schools Award
Chatham University's Eden Hall Campus and K-12 Program received a 2018 Best of Green Schools Award from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), in collaboration with the Green Schools National Network (GSNN).
2018 Eden Hall Campus Summer Series Scheduled Announced
Presenting live musical performances against nature’s backdrop in the Hilda M. Willis Amphitheater, a Father’s Day Brunch followed by a Kids Can children’s festival, and a series of food-focused workshops, the Summer Series offers an unforgettable opportunity to experience music, fun and learning surrounded by the beauty of nature.