Enhancements to Chapel Hill Road Announced
Artist rendering of the proposed project
Chatham University and Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) are collaborating to design, construct, and maintain a dry stream bed to slow down and soak up stormwater at the intersection of Woodland Road and Chapel Hill Road on Chatham's Shadyside Campus.
Green infrastructure such as this project has been prioritized as a cost-effective strategy to increase existing system capacity and reduce the risk of flooding. This project is located near the headwaters of a historic stream named Two Mile Run, which was routed underground into sewer pipes to flow to the Allegheny River.
Project construction will be funded as a cost-share, with PWSA funding construction costs related to stormwater management and Chatham funding construction costs not related to stormwater management, such as additional landscaping and surface amenities. Maintenance will be performed through a cooperative agreement between Chatham and PWSA. This project is partially funded by ALCOSAN’s GROW grant program. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2021, and more information can be found on the PWSA website.